24. How Jennine Faurot has Been!

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How the Heck Have You Been?!
How the Heck Have You Been?!
24. How Jennine Faurot has Been!

Alright, we’re going all the way back to kindergarten for this one y’all. Today I spoke with Jennine Faurot. We spoke about everything from Elementary school and college memories to her dad’s pro football career, to her work as an elementary school teacher in the same district I taught at for 9 years. A quick note that there was a little audio feedback that I didn’t catch during the interview, and I tried to trim it as best as I could, but you’ll notice a little noisiness here and there. But here’s my talk with Jennine Faurot!

If you want to support the podcast itself, head over to https://www.artbymarker.com and buy some cool art and merch!

To get your tickets for the LD Bell class of 2004 reunion, visit their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201737293188017

Mark24. How Jennine Faurot has Been!

23. How Claire (Boecking) Chamberlain Has Been!

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How the Heck Have You Been?!
How the Heck Have You Been?!
23. How Claire (Boecking) Chamberlain Has Been!

Today I spoke with Claire Chamberlain, whom I first knew as Clair Boecking for a couple years of elementary school, and then all throughout high school. We talked about being co-founders of the L.D. Bell PDA Patrol, which policed public displays of affection at our school, we spoke about the infamous milk chugging contest she took part in while I spectated, and we spoke about all the places her life took her after high school. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did!

To get your tickets for the LD Bell class of 2004 reunion, visit their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201737293188017

If you want to support the podcast itself, head over to https://www.artbymarker.com and buy some cool art and merch!

Mark23. How Claire (Boecking) Chamberlain Has Been!

23. How Carmel Simmons (Henderson) Has Been!

Mark Leave a Comment

How the Heck Have You Been?!
How the Heck Have You Been?!
23. How Carmel Simmons (Henderson) Has Been!

Today I spoke with Carmel Simmons, whom I knew first as Carmel Henderson, an old friend from 7th grade Hurst Junior High. We talked about her attending Brigham Young University as a 16-year-old, her civilizing influence on me, and that great nexus point that has come up so many times on this podcast, her 8th Halloween party. I hope you enjoy our conversation, and without further ado, here is how the heck Carmel has been. 

To get your tickets for the LD Bell class of 2004 reunion, visit their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201737293188017

If you want to support the podcast itself, head over to https://www.artbymarker.com and buy some cool art and merch!

Mark23. How Carmel Simmons (Henderson) Has Been!