Day 5: The Godfather (1972)

Day 5: The Godfather (1972)

It's Day 5 on our Marlon Brando spotlight and we're talking about one of the best, if not the best, film of all time, The Godfather!! It's the story of an Italian-American crime family (led by Brando's Don Vito Corleone) and a war that breaks out between them and the other "families" of New York. It's about the American Dream, family, Hollywood, corruption, capitalism and so much more. Scene after scene is fantastic, with each one somehow topping the last. Here's the opening one that sets up the story so perfectly: Currently, it sits at #2 on IMDB's Top 250…
Day 4: On the Waterfront (1954)

Day 4: On the Waterfront (1954)

Welcome back for Day 4 of our Marlon Brando spotlight series! Today we'll be talking about one of my favorite movies, the film that earned Brando his first Oscar win: Elia Kazan's On the Waterfront (1954). I waxed on about the merits of A Streetcar Named Desire in Day 1 (another Kazan/Brando pairing--clearly they knew how to complement each other's strengths) and Waterfront is just as good, albeit for different reasons. In a role completely different from the hot-headed Stanley Kowalski, Brando's Terry Malloy is quiet, introspective, and only fights when he's pushed to his limits. Malloy is a former boxer, and was…
Day 3: The Wild One (1953)

Day 3: The Wild One (1953)

For Day 3 of our Spotlight on Marlon Brando, we'll be discussing The Wild One from 1953. Brando plays Johnny, the rough-and-tough leader of a motorcycle gang. They ride from town to town and cause all kinds of ruckus and mayhem, though generally, they leave before it gets too crazy. In one particularly small town, however, a rival gang shows up and tensions begin to mount. That gang's leader, Chino (played by Lee Marvin), has a history with Johnny and after a brawl in the street between them, Chino ends up being arrested. At this point, all Hell breaks loose.…