22. How Jessica (Rader) Lugo Has Been!

Mark Leave a Comment

How the Heck Have You Been?!
How the Heck Have You Been?!
22. How Jessica (Rader) Lugo Has Been!

Today I spoke with Jessica Lugo whom you may remember better as Jessica Rader from Hurt Junior High and L.D. Bell. We’ve had some surprisingly similar life paths, what with teaching high school in the DFW area, so it was great to share stories and catch up! So without further ado, here’s how the heck Jessica Lugo has been.

Check out some of the great voting advocacy her group does here! https://www.marchtothepolls.org

If you want to support the podcast itself, head over to https://www.artbymarker.com and buy some cool art and merch!

Mark22. How Jessica (Rader) Lugo Has Been!

Oscar Best Picture Nominees 2024

Charles Leave a Comment

Good Bad Podcast
Good Bad Podcast
Oscar Best Picture Nominees 2024

Join Charles and special guest Nathan (Movies Are Life) as they go over all the Best Picture nominees for #Oscars 2024!! #AcademyAwards #Oppenheimer #SpecialEdition #ItsJustAwesome

CharlesOscar Best Picture Nominees 2024

21. How Toby Dickinson has Been!

Mark Leave a Comment

How the Heck Have You Been?!
How the Heck Have You Been?!
21. How Toby Dickinson has Been!

Enjoy my talk with Toby Dickinson, best friend from High School, and someone intrinsically tied up with the best years of my adolescence! We spoke about our obsession with Star Wars, Pokémon, and other extremely manly pursuits.

To support the How the Heck have you Been?! Podcast, visit artbymarker.com and buy some cool art, playing cards, or greeting cards. Thank you!

Mark21. How Toby Dickinson has Been!